
If you wish to cancel any subscriptions you have with us, please let us know via email at, and we will remove you from our lists.

Purchases/Refund policy

At this time, we do not accept returns or issue refunds. However, please contact us if your product does not reach you, and we will endeavor to resolve your issue to your satisfaction.

Our Guarantee

Our goal is for our programs to be an effective and inspiring moment in your life. If they aren’t, please let us know, and we will be glad to either refund your investment or try to get you resources that will be that effective and inspiring moment.

We would also be grateful if you would let us know how we could have improved our programming and products and made them wonderful and affirming growth experiences for you.

Unlawful Use/Prohibited Use

Izolda Trakhtenberg encourages to benefit from the content included herein. However, by consuming this content, you agree that you will not use any of the content or material on the website for any unlawful or illegal purpose. All graphics, images, and other content are the sole property of Izolda Trakhtenberg and are protected by the appropriate copyright and intellectual property laws that govern such materials. By consuming the content contained herein, you agree not to copy or redistribute any content without express written permission from Izolda Trakhtenberg.

Communication Forum

This site might contain a communication section. Should you wish to make use of the comment or communication section, you agree not to defame, harass, abuse, or threaten anyone on this website, any other commenters, or members of this site’s community. You also agree not to violate the legal or ethical rights of other persons who use this site. Although we are not required to monitor communication services on this website, Izolda Trakhtenberg reserves the right to remove and/or delete any content that is considered malignant, abusive, bigoted, racist, sexist, or threatening. Izolda Trakhtenberg encourages any user to use caution and common sense when giving out any personal information including addresses, passwords or other personal data. Izolda Trakhtenberg claims no liability for any actions that occur as a result of users sharing data in any of the Communication sections or other areas of the website where data may be shared.

Materials Provided By Users

Izolda Trakhtenberg makes no provision and has no obligation to pay for any materials submitted on this website. Izolda Trakhtenberg makes no claim of ownership of any feedback, writing, or other materials submitted to this website.

International Users

Izolda Trakhtenberg operates in the State of New York in the United States of America. Any international users who utilize the site do so with the understanding that they must comply with local laws and legal and ethical behavior.


The policies contained herein and on the privacy policy and disclaimer pages constitute the agreement between Izolda Trakhtenberg and users of this website, our materials, and content. These policies can be amended and updated at any time at the discretion of Izolda Trakhtenberg and/or its officers/agents.

Please contact us with any questions.